Blog Archive
cocaine overdose
Why is My Loved One Addicted to Alcohol?
Your days are filled with a little more stress and worry than they used to be because of your spouse’s, child’s, parent’s or sibling’s drinking problem. It’s been the little…
6 Items You Should Bring to Addiction Treatment
Preparation is the key to success and peace of mind. One group of people who understood this concept well was the pioneers during their settlement of the vast plains of…
Does My Loved One Need Addiction or Mental Health Treatment?
When you break an arm, the path from treatment to recovery is pretty black and white. First, you undergo an x-ray to confirm the severity of the injury. If surgery…
The Best Foods to Eat in Addiction Treatment and Recovery
Eating healthy is not always easy. Between picking out the right foods in the grocery store to the time it takes to cook a meal, fast food and frozen dinners…
What’s the Connection Between Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Abuse?
Your teenage and adult life has felt like a season of Game of Thrones; your weeks are full of extreme ups and downs with very little calm in between. Some…
What to Expect on a Fountain Hills Recovery Admissions Call
Sometimes, picking up the phone to dial is the hardest part when seeking addiction treatment for a spouse, parent, sibling or child. Your progress is stalled by the fear of…
How Sexual Abuse Affects the Brain
Sexual assault is much more than the stereotypical scenarios depicted in movies or on TV. Rape doesn’t always occur in a dark, cold alley; it can happen in bedrooms, at…
How Opioids Can Affect Your Immune Health
The end of each movie includes several minutes of credits to acknowledge all the directors, producers, choreographers, artists and many others involved with the production. But take away one of…
How Do I Choose a Residential Treatment Center?
Researching addiction treatment centers is a little like trying to decide what brand of pasta sauce to buy at the grocery store or what kind of cell phone to purchase;…