Blog Archive
cocaine overdose
Are Executives More Likely to Struggle with Substance Abuse?
Executives in TV shows and movies are often shown struggling with alcohol or drug abuse. It turns out there’s some truth to what’s on the silver screen. According to the…
How to Navigate the Trauma of a Past Relationship
Past trauma has a way of sneaking into aspects of your current life. Your life can be as still as a calm lake, and then without warning a stone is…
How Arizona is Fighting Back Against Substance Abuse
From the picturesque Grand Canyon to stunning desserts and falls, Arizona is full of wonder and beauty. Like every other state in the country, though, it hasn’t been able to…
The Psychological Symptoms of Meth Withdrawal
As new laws attempt to curb the opioid crisis, more people are turning to meth as a substitute. Similar to opioids, though, you can quickly develop a dependency to meth,…
The Different Types of Trauma and How They Impact Addiction
In 2018, 156 courageous young women testified against the former gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. He was found guilty of sexual abuse and sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison. These women were able…
How Alcohol Abuse Impacts People with Schizophrenia
Each day seems to present new levels of fear and paranoia. When you’re living with schizophrenia, the feeling of dread and fear is difficult to manage. It often leads to…
The Dangers of Mixing Alcohol and Lexapro
Did you know that roughly 40 million adults suffer from anxiety every year? Anxiety can make you feel depressed, isolated and hopeless. So, you might think that having a few…
Nature vs. Nurture: What is the Cause of Addiction?
Are we a product of our surrounding environment or do our genes play the main role in who we are? The question of nature vs. nurture has been debated for…
Why Do Women Struggle More with Anxiety?
If you’ve ever seen meerkats at the zoo or in an animal documentary, there’s always one that is constantly on the lookout for predators while the others scavenge for food….