What Should I Bring to Rehab?

What to Bring
As you prepare for your stay at one of Fountain Hills Recovery’s luxury locations, we want you to feel confident in your packing needs. It’s important to begin preparation several weeks before your arrival because some crucial items like medication need prior approval.
You’ll also avoid last-minute stress by having everything in order and ready to go. Our list below provides you with all the items you’ll need to pack accordingly.
- A form of identification (e.g., driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, etc.)
- Health insurance card
- Prescription or pharmacy documentation for any medication you’re taking (See medication list for more information)
Prior to arriving at the facility, you must receive approval from the Fountain Hills medical staff for any medications. You can call the number on the Contact Us page to do this. Along with the confirmation, you’ll also be required to bring the following:
- A list of prescribed medications along with each one’s dosage
- Prescribed medication in their original packaging
- Enough outfits/clothes to last a week (Laundry facilities are available)
- Modest, appropriate swimwear for pool and hot tub
- Sleepwear
- Socks and undergarments
- Closed-toe shoes for outdoor activities such as hiking and sports
- Workout clothes for exercising in the gym
- Slippers while indoors, if preferred
- Warmer clothes for cooler weather or indoors (Sweatshirt, hoodie, indoor jacket, etc.)
We’re located in bright sunny Arizona but it can still get chilly depending on the season you attend or the weather. Take into consideration the time of year you’ll be staying with us and prepare to dress accordingly.
- Toothbrush, floss, and toothpaste
- Hairbrush/Comb
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Body wash
- Body lotion
- Sunscreen
- Face wash
- Facial moisturizer
- Deodorant
- Feminine hygiene products
Other toiletries to consider:
- Mouthwash (must be alcohol-free)
- Retainer
- Make-up, if preferred
- Contact lens, solution, and case
- Shaving cream
- Bobby pins, hair ties, etc.
Keep in mind that any products you bring from these lists cannot contain any percentage of alcohol. If you’re unable to find a specific item as alcohol-free then you may be permitted to bring it but it must be kept in a staff safe when not being used.
What NOT to Bring
- Weapons of any kind (Scissors, mace, pocket knives, etc.)
- Outside food and beverages
- Electronics (Laptops, tablets, gaming devices/consoles, etc.) It’s important to note that cellphones will be stored away in staff safe for the duration of stay to avoid being a distraction or deterrent to recovery goals.
- Products containing alcohol (Some mouthwashes and bug sprays, breath strips, astringent, hairspray, etc.)
- Candles, air fresheners, or incense
- Unapproved medication or over the counter medication
- Expensive items (High-value jewelry or clothes, etc.)
- Any and all weight control products (Protein powder, energy drinks, steroids, diet pills, etc.)
- Anything that will distract you from your recovery goal
As a part of your recovery journey, we want you to have the necessities and items that will help to make you feel at home and comfortable. By taking into account each category on this list, you can feel prepared for your stay at Fountain Hills Recovery before you even step foot onto the premises.
Fountain Hills Recovery is here to help.
Call us now at (888) 898-8286 to begin your journey towards a life free from the grips of substance abuse and behavioral health disorders.
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