Are intervention services effective?
Yes, drug and alcohol intervention services can be effective, especially when done in a controlled environment with professional support. Studies have found that interventions can lead to better outcomes for those suffering from addiction and can help them to accept help and get into treatment. Interventions can also help a family system to better prepare, collect their thoughts, and understand the impacts of addiction and how to support their loved one in recovery moving forward.
How will my loved one react to drug and alcohol intervention specialists?
Everyone is different and you know your family member best, but we can help you plan for this. Their reaction to working with alcohol and drug intervention specialists will depend on the individual, the way the discussion is handled by those organizing it and the personal circumstances of the individual. Some people may be open to the idea of treatment and accept help from their family, while others may be more stubborn, resistant and deny that they have a problem. It is important to remember that addiction is a complex problem and it can be difficult for someone to accept help. Addiction interventions are emotional for all involved, so it’s ok to plan for the worst, but remember to stay positive and hope/expect the best from the person you are supporting.
Tips for successful intervention with family members:
- Prepare for the intervention ahead of time – Before the intervention, it’s important to plan out what you want to say and discuss ahead of time. This will ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of what the goal of the intervention is and how to best approach it.
- Gather information – Before the intervention, it is important to gather as much information as possible about the person’s addiction. This includes the type of substance they are addicted to, any mental health issues they may have, and other factors that could be contributing to their addiction.
- Invite the right people to the intervention – The people invited to the intervention should be those closest to the person, as well as people who can provide support and are willing to help them get into a treatment program.
- Set boundaries – During the intervention, it is important to set clear boundaries. This includes not allowing the person to become defensive or aggressive, and not allowing anyone to blame or shame them for their addiction.
- Stay focused during the intervention- The goal of the intervention should be to help the person understand the consequences of their addiction and to motivate them to seek help. It is important to stay focused on this goal and not get sidetracked with other issues.

Get Started at Fountain Hills Recovery
Fountain Hills Recovery understands how important family connections can be to help those who struggle with addiction and mental health concerns. This is why we offer addiction intervention services that create a structured, supportive environment in which loved ones can talk to those suffering from such issues. If you’re concerned someone you care about may be headed down a dark and destructive path, our drug and alcohol intervention programs give you the opportunity to reach out with the help of our trained intervention team.
Frequently Asked Questions
The number of people at an addiction intervention will depend on the individual and the situation. Professional interventionists recommend having a small group of people who are close to the individual, such as family members, friends, and other supportive people in their life. It is important to make sure that everyone present is on the same page and understands the purpose of the intervention.
Setting up an addiction intervention can be a difficult process. It is important to get help from an addiction intervention specialist who has experience in this process. At Fountain Hills Recovery, our intervention specialists for addiction can help to create a plan for you and provide guidance on how to approach the situation.
Before participating in our alcohol and drug intervention services, it’s important to think clearly about your concerns and maintain a compassionate outlook. No matter how frustrating and painful your loved one’s behavior may be to you, it’s critical to remember you’re there to help him or her recover. Displaying empathy and resolve throughout the process makes that easier.
After the intervention ends, it’s important to provide the individual suffering from addiction with ongoing support without judgment. You need to be a patient listener, and encourage him or her to access the resources he or she needs. Be clear that seeking help is a sign of strength and that your loved one continues to be loved, valued and supported.
It’s just as important to support yourself during a drug and alcohol intervention program as it is to support your loved one. You need to recognize when you’re slipping into judgment or frustration and take a break before it clouds your thoughts. At the same time, you need to remain aware of your emotions and acknowledge them. Stress-relief techniques such as breathing exercises can help you maintain control and continue to project the supportive, compassionate feelings that are so crucial for the success of an intervention. When you choose to stage an intervention in the company of our drug addiction intervention specialists, you are not alone. As the top substance abuse and mental health clinic in Arizona, our experts are here to help you guide your loved one to a life worth living.