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What Your Loved One Should Expect During Detox

There are many reasons why people delay or flat out refuse to go to addiction treatment, including shame, financial strains and simply not seeing how destructive their alcohol or drug use is. But the fear of detox is often at the top of the list. In fact, detox can make people like your loved one look at rehab as the very last place they’d ever want to be because of how it makes them feel.

While you might wish there was a way to skip the detox process in addiction treatment, understanding more about it and what your loved one can expect may make them more willing to enter rehab. In this post, we’ll give you valuable information about the detox process that you can share with your loved one to get them more comfortable with addiction treatment.

What You and Your Loved One Need to Know about Addiction Detox

Why is Drug and Alcohol Detox Important?

Detoxification from alcohol or drugs is the necessary first step in addiction treatment if your loved one’s addiction is deemed severe enough. This is because detox prepares your loved one for the evidence-based and experiential therapies that are to come in later steps of the treatment process. Without detox to flush the alcohol or drugs out of your loved one’s system, they’ll be unable to focus and think clearly in individual therapy, equine therapy and other healing activities during treatment.

What Can Your Loved One Expect During Detox?

The fear and anxiety with this first step of treatment is due to the uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. If your loved one has experienced these already when they couldn’t get their hands-on alcohol or drugs fast enough or when they’ve tried to detox on their own, they probably aren’t too keen on going through withdrawal again.

That’s why detox at a credible addiction treatment center like Fountain Hills Recovery is different. First and foremost, detox at a treatment center is safer, since your loved one’s progress and health are monitored regularly by experienced health care providers.

If your loved one comes to Fountain Hills Recovery for treatment, they’ll receive sub-acute detox that includes 24-hour monitoring and medical care. They’ll be in direct contact with our health care professionals who can administer medications if needed.

During this entire process, your loved one will be surrounded by caring and compassionate staff whose only goal is to encourage and get your loved one through treatment as safely as possible. They won’t have to worry about being judged or struggling through detox alone.

What Detox Symptoms Will They Experience During this Time?

Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the substance your loved one is addicted to:

Opioids: If your loved one is suffering from a painkiller abuse or heroin addiction, their withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, rapid breathing, muscle aches, vomiting, sweating, confusion, tremors and enlarged pupils.

Cocaine: If your loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction, their withdrawal symptoms may include restlessness, exhaustion, chills or tremors, difficulty concentrating, depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.

Alcohol: If your loved one is addicted to alcohol, they may encounter minor symptoms like shaking, sweating, nausea, headaches and insomnia. However, they may also experience more severe symptoms like disorientation, hallucinations, seizures, tremors and fever.

How Long Do Detox Symptoms Typically Last?

How long your loved one’s withdrawal symptoms last typically depends on the type of substance they’re abusing and the severity of their addiction. However, there are a few rules of thumb to give both you and your loved one an idea of how long withdrawal symptoms last:

  • If your loved one is struggling with opioid addiction, detox symptoms like muscle aches and sweating can last up to five days.
  • If your loved one is struggling with cocaine addiction, detox symptoms can last at least a week.
  • If your loved one is struggling with alcohol, the severity will determine if withdrawal symptoms last a few days or a few weeks. If severe enough, your loved one will be recommended for an acute detox program to ensure their safety before progressing deeper into treatment.

As intimidating as these estimates may seem, addiction treatment centers like Fountain Hills Recovery are able to help ease detox symptoms.

Is There a Way to Ease Detox Symptoms?

It’s true that withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable and even life-threatening if not properly treated. But at a credible treatment center, your loved one will not only be safer during this time, they’ll also have access to medications that can ease their symptoms.

At Fountain Hills Recovery, we have medications right onsite that our doctors and nurses can prescribe and dispense when your loved one needs them. These medications can help make withdrawal symptoms tolerable, so your loved one can detox effectively and progress into the next steps of treatment and recovery.

Your Loved One’s Addiction-Free Future is Waiting at Fountain Hills Recovery

At Fountain Hills Recovery, our goal isn’t to judge your loved one or make them feel worse about their addiction and mental health struggles. Rather, our mission is to provide caring and compassionate treatment they won’t find anywhere else.

As one of the top private addiction and mental health treatment centers in Arizona, we offer luxury accommodations, amazing scenery, premium amenities and unparalleled levels of care that can ensure your loved one’s safety and comfort during their time in treatment. From detox and inpatient treatment to outpatient treatment and recovery, we’re ready to walk this journey with your loved one and help them achieve lasting sobriety.

Want to learn more about our detox services and holistic approach to addiction and mental health treatment? Contact our expert staff today to get started.

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