Many addicts with years of experience can’t return to society as productive members because they tend to lose most of their life skills after using drugs. This is nothing out of the ordinary, but it’s definitely something most people aren’t aware of. In fact, even some of the world-renowned experts don’t know the full extent addiction has on one’s life skills.
Here at Fountain Hills Recovery, we focus on the individual and their personal life. That gives us a much better insight into one’s condition and issues they are battling against. Furthermore, it allows us to get the full picture of one’s predicaments, thus allowing us to take action. Development of life skills is very important, even though it might not seem like it’s a crucial element for successful rehabilitation.
We Teach You How to Come Up With Your Own Answers
An alarming number of addicts struggle to come up with an answer to a problem. The vast majority of them lack logistical skills, and more importantly, a lot of addicts simply take the easier way out. Given that taking the easier way out usually ends up being a disaster, life skills are crucial for developing one’s judging and problem-solving skills.
Our staff aims to help our patients by giving them a better insight into the do’s and don’ts of problem-solving. One of the main focuses of the members of our staff is bettering the patient’s ability to think rationally. As you may know, rational thinking and addicts don’t mix well together, which is why the development of life skills is so crucial.
Everyone Faces Chaotic Situations in Their Life
Everyone faces a chaotic situation at least a couple of times in their life; it’s not about preventing the aforementioned occurrences, it’s about dealing with them in a proper manner. In other words, rest assured you’ll have a few insurmountable obstacles in your life, but if you learn how to deal with them, they aren’t going to take a toll and jeopardize your wellbeing.
Here are a couple of notable benefits of this particular program:
- Sparks creativity and offers a unique perspective
- Teaches you how to deal with tough situations
- Improves your problem-solving skills
- Significantly improves one’s confidence levels
Get Started at Fountain Hills Recovery
If you’re looking to improve your quality of life and be able to differentiate good from bad decisions more easily, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We will be more than happy to lend you a hand.
Frequently Asked Questions
When we talk about life skills, we’re referring to the strategies we all use daily to handle every aspect of our lives. These can range from simply knowing how to drive a car to managing complex interpersonal relationships. The World Health Organization has identified six key categories of life skills:
• Communication and interpersonal
• Creative and critical thinking
• Problem-solving and decision-making
• Self-awareness
• Self-control
• Resilience and coping
Life skills counseling is critical for recovering from addiction because it provides you with a solid foundation of behaviors and strategies that can help rebuild your life. For example, improving relationships with friends, family and co-workers can be critical for seeking forgiveness and restoring the level of trust they had in you prior to your active addiction. Learning coping mechanisms also helps put you in control of your emotions, making it easier for you to overcome stressors and triggers without using substances.
Many times, those suffering from addiction have difficulty coping with stresses in their lives, which drives them back into destructive cycles of behavior. Learning strategies such as self-care and emotional regulation can help you deal with obstacles you may face without the urge to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol. This makes it much less likely that you will experience a relapse during your recovery.
Having the support of your family and friends during recovery can make a tremendous difference. One of the most important aspects of life skills training is practicing good communication, which helps you strengthen the relationships you have with those close to you so they will be available to support you when you need it most.
Most forms of mental health care are focused on dealing with a specific issue and its root causes. Life skills training, on the other hand, concentrates on helping you build strategies and behaviors that can help you in every aspect of your everyday life.
If you are far enough along in your recovery journey that you’re looking ahead to returning to a more-normal life, life skills training may be right for you. Our personal growth coaches can provide you with the empowerment you need to face whatever life throws at you and work through it while maintaining your sobriety.
If you’re looking to improve your quality of life and be able to differentiate good from bad decisions more easily, don’t hesitate to give us a call. You are not alone, and we will be more than happy to lend you a hand.