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Private Pay

Private Pay Addiction Treatment Near Scottsdale

The cost of rehab is one of the biggest barriers for people seeking addiction treatment – in part because the payment options available can be confusing and lead to more questions than answers. Unlike insurance, paying privately for rehab gives you the freedom to go to the treatment center that’s best positioned to help you find lasting recovery.

At Fountain Hills Recovery, our goal is to provide addiction treatment that’s designed around your specific needs and health challenges. If insurance isn’t the best option or if you just want an alternative way to pay for treatment, private pay may be exactly what you’re looking for.

Benefits of Private Pay for Addiction Treatment

Instead of insurance or another form of funding, many people decide to pay out of pocket for treatment because of the benefits it offers:

  • Private Pay is Fast and Easy. While insurance coverage can help ease the costs of treatment, it takes time to verify and get your coverage approved by your insurance provider to begin treatment. Paying out of pocket means you can enter treatment right away.
  • Private Pay Gives You Control. There’s no guarantee that your insurance provider will cover all the costs of rehab. Insurance providers also have a say in what treatment program you go to and how long you can stay. By paying for treatment yourself, you are able to put your well-being first and find the very best addiction treatment program for your specific needs.
  • Private Pay is Confidential. Paying out of pocket for addiction treatment gives you the most confidentiality of all the payment options out there. Private pay means you don’t have to worry about insurance records or paying back a lender. Private pay offers the confidentiality and security you want during a highly personal time in your life.

Why Fountain Hills Recovery for Addiction Treatment?

Since paying privately for rehab gives you more freedom and control over your treatment and recovery, it’s important to find just the right program for you. Here’s why Fountain Hills Recovery is such a highly-rated addiction treatment center near Scottsdale:

  1. Individualized Treatment Programming. We don’t specialize in cookie-cutter treatment. Instead, we focus on pulling back the layers of your substance abuse and mental health struggles in order to customize a treatment program that can set you up for lasting success in recovery.
  2. A Personalized Client-Staff Ratio. You’ll never be just a random face in the crowd at our addiction treatment center near Scottsdale. We offer an exceptional client-staff ratio to give you the personalized, one-on-one attention you deserve as you overcome your substance abuse and work towards a healthier future.
  3. A Highly-Skilled, Empathetic Team. From their training and experience to their passion and commitment to your recovery, our team members truly set us apart from other treatment programs. Many members of our staff have their own experiences with substance abuse, giving them a unique ability to connect with you in ways many other treatment providers can’t.
  4. Luxury Accommodations for Peace of Mind. Our goal is to help you let go of all your worries and fears. That’s why we work hard to provide luxury accommodations and amenities designed to heal and strengthen your physical, mental and emotional well-being. From private estates with elegant bedrooms and beautifully landscaped yards to pools, a home theater and state-of-the-art kitchens, we want you to feel relaxed and safe throughout treatment.

Contact Fountain Hills Recovery Today to Get Started

Are you ready to learn more about Fountain Hills Recovery and begin your addiction treatment? Our team can answer all your questions about paying for treatment and get your admissions process started.