Fountain Hills Recovery
Day in the Life
Here at Fountain Hills Recovery, we provide a wide range of holistic addiction treatments for the substance abuse and mental health challenges our residents face in their journey back to a balanced life. Our treatments include individual and group sessions that help our patients get to the bottom of their addiction and finally start healing.
Here’s an example of what a day at Fountain Hills Recovery might look like for a patient under our care:
9:00 – 10:00 Morning Devotion and Check-In
10:15 – 12:00 Music Therapy / Creative Arts / Process Group Therapy
12:00 – 12:45 Lunch
12:45 – 1:45 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
2:00 – 3:00 Recovery Education 3:15 – 4:15 Mindfulness Therapy / Trauma-Informed Yoga
We have a wide range of activities for our patients to partake in for their recovery journey, well beyond what one can fit in a single day.
Our holistic treatments and activities include:
Occupational Therapy
Addiction will significantly harm one’s ability to fulfill their occupational duties, whether in the workplace or at home with their children. With the help of a professional, we can get to the root of an addiction problem and identify the adverse effects your addiction has on your ability to perform and fulfill your duties, rehabilitating and improving the skills that addiction has negatively affected.
Music Therapy
Music is an effective tool in addiction recovery. It naturally triggers and induces dopamine in the brain (similar to drugs and alcohol), giving our residents a healthy outlet for relieving withdrawal symptoms without any adverse side effects. Activities depend on the preference of the patient, which includes creating melodies, writing lyrics, singing songs, and dancing.
Music also gives our patients an outlet for self-expression, enabling them to be more open and communicative throughout their recovery.
Yoga Therapy
Also known as meditation in motion, yoga is a great way to learn how to maintain balance in the face of chaos. There are plenty of benefits to yoga, including:
- A more positive outlook on life
- Maintaining balance
- Stronger communication and cognitive skills
- Increased self-awareness
- Improved focus
- Stress relief
- Stronger physical health
12-Step Meetings
Alcohol abuse has caused many problems for millions of Americans and their families, bringing about dysfunction in relationships and physical and mental harm to more than just themselves.
Unfortunately, only one in ten receive treatment.
We want our patients to have lifelong, ongoing treatment for alcohol and substance abuse, not just for them, but for their families as well; therefore, we house meetings for treatment programs such as:
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)
- Al-Anon Family Groups
- Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA)
Equine Therapy
Horses are among the best animals with therapeutic properties, which is why we offer our patients equine-assisted therapy. We offer plenty of alternative treatment options for our patients because much of a treatment’s success depends on the patient’s preference. Equine therapy has proven to be successful for interested patients for plenty of reasons, including:
- Horses sense feelings and immediately respond accordingly
- Horses can help sharpen your social and cognitive skills
- Horses, like other therapy animals, offer unconditional love without judgment
- Horses help significantly improve trust-building skills
Creative Arts Therapy
Like music therapy, creative arts allow patients to express themselves without words. During our art therapy sessions, therapists provide supplies such as pen, paper, canvas, paints, clay, wire, charcoal, etc., depending on the assignment for that session. Some guidelines will be given, but patients have the freedom to create uninterrupted, without judgment of right or wrong. After a piece of art is created, the patient can discuss its meaning with the therapist, serving their overall recovery process.
We offer opportunities for our patients to experience and explore some of the most beautiful settings Arizona has to offer. This is especially ideal for those who enjoy physical activity. Some of the benefits of ecotherapy include establishing a stronger relationship with nature, stress management, relief from depression, getting back in shape, and simply feeling great!
Nutritional Counseling
Holistic health starts with proper nutrition. Our nutritional experts at Fountain Hills Recovery help educate and guide patients through a healthy diet that fights malnutrition, primarily caused by substance abuse. Patients will be glad to have a newfound drive, energy, and resilience when giving themselves the nutrients their bodies need.
Process-Oriented Group Therapy
Group therapy is an excellent avenue for shy patients to open up and improve their social skills by expressing their emotions, thoughts, and struggles. Other notable benefits of our process-oriented group sessions include:
- A greater understanding of self by listening to others’ experiences
- A sense of belonging and acceptance
- Support and guidance
- Improve family relationships
- Get inspiration from those further along in their recovery than you
Experiential Therapy
Experiential therapy allows patients to work through strong feelings and frustration in various ways, including acting and performing out scenarios related to their life experiences. Some of the benefits of experiential therapy include:
- Emotional expression nonverbally (when applicable)
- Self-awareness
- Improve problem-solving skills
- Re-processing thoughts
- A clear mind
- Freedom from feeling stuck
Mindfulness Therapy
Guided group meditations enable patients to work through and disconnect from negative thought patterns and cravings while helping them process stress in a healthy way, develop tolerances for negative emotions, and have spiritual grounding.
Psychoeducational Groups
Group settings have been incredibly effective in educating patients about habits and behaviors they need to improve upon. The confidentiality of group meetings also allows patients to open up about their struggles with safety.
Begin the Journey to Recovery
Here at Fountain Hills Recovery, we do everything we can to provide a variety of activities and opportunities for patients of all backgrounds and struggles to have avenues suitable for their journey to recovery.
Contact us today if you or someone you know could benefit from our holistic addiction therapies and treatments.
Fountain Hills Recovery is here to help.
Call us now at (888) 898-8286 to begin your journey towards a life free from the grips of substance abuse and behavioral health disorders.
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